Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome To My Blog.

After much gentle nudging by my great intern, Armond, I am happy to announce the new blog of Danielle and Company! I am intrigued by a “blog”; what it is, how it operates. I have spent quite a considerable amount of time thinking and pondering my very first blog entry. “What should I write about” I ask myself. “How personal or professional should I be?” And after much consideration I will make my first blog entry about this very experience.

I am not a blogger, I admit it. I don’t really get into reading them, but I do find the concept of blogging to be fascinating. An “online journal” is how most people described it to me. So I thought to myself about when I was a teenager and I had an actual diary that I would write in and it had a lock on it, with a combination! I guarded that diary with my life! I would hide it in different places each night and kept the combination well hidden under my bed. I once thought the woman who cleaned my house had taken it and I was sure it was the end of the world! Fast forward to the present and here we are “journaling” to the whole world in a blog! As I typically say at the office, “what is that about?”

So now I am convinced by my intern and design firm, Blackout Design, that I must do a blog. I am okay with it, somewhat nervous and somewhat excited. I wonder who will read it, or will anyone read it? I also wonder what I will talk about. I have read other blogs for referencing and overall I want my blog to give you an inside look into who I am as a person and the founder of Danielle and Company. I want this to be like a conversation between me and my readers. I plan to share with you the philosophies of my company and why they are important to me. The purpose of this blog will be for you to get to know me on a more personal level and to experience Danielle and Company firsthand. We have an absolutely awesome company with great people, great products and great ideas! I am very proud of all of us here and hope to share that with you!

Lastly I welcome your feedback; good, bad or indifferent. I am an honest person and will give you honest answers. What do you want to know about the company, about the people, about me? What do you want me to talk about? Send me an e-mail at blog@danielleandcompany.com and I will be happy to respond to your questions!

So I hope you enjoyed reading my first entry, It was actually a fun experience to write! My next topic will be about the New York International Gift Fair, which we exhibited at last week! Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Danielle! Looks like your company is definitely going places. Best wishes for a successful 2009! Good luck with the blogging too.

Meg said...

Congratulations on your new blog - I look forward to reading your posts! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Danielle!

What a GREAT "1st" post!! You are absolutely correct -- simply make it a conversation between you and your friends. It will be fun!

Looking forward to lots of "green" insights from a very forward-thinking and innovative entrepreneur.

All the best,
Deb Costanzo

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog, Danielle! I hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do. It's fun and keeps you connected with people who care about the same issues you care about. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hello Danielle- Congrats on getting your blog up & running... It's a fun way to keep in touch & I know you have a lot to talk about!

I remember working the Scranton SBA event next to you in Harrisburg... I can still smell some of the great scents!!

Good luck... soon you'll be using Stumble Upon, Twitter, Facebook & the rest... :)

Warm regards, Holly

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogday..er, Birthday Gorgeous!

Frantastic said...
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Frantastic said...

I can't wait to hear about your NYC event!! I am so glad the company continues to soar! I love your products!! I hope to see you this weekend when I stop by to pick up some body butter. Thank you for making it so quickly!

